

Revised November 1, 2016 | Download a copy of the bylaws


For the purpose of promoting high academic standards at Youngstown State University, Youngstown, Ohio; maintaining a chapter of The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi (to be referred to as “the Society” or “Phi Kappa Phi”) chartered and installed at Youngstown State University on May, 19, 1972; and furthering the ideals and objectives of the Society; the members of the Youngstown State University chapter do hereby adopt the following Bylaws for its government.

Both the chapter and the Society are non-profit organizations and are tax-exempt under section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. The following Bylaws are consistent with the Bylaws of the Society. In all matters not specifically covered in these chapter Bylaws, the Society Bylaws shall serve as the final authority for Youngstown State University Chapter 143.


Name and Objectives 

Section 1. Name. The name of this organization is Youngstown State University Chapter 143 of The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi.

Section 2. The mission is to recognize and promote academic excellence in all fields of higher education and to engage the community of scholars in service to others. The Society also recognizes outstanding achievement by students, faculty, and others through various awards and through invitation to membership.

Section 3. Governing Regulations. Chapter 143 shall be governed in accordance with the Bylaws of the Society, as adopted by the Biennial Convention on July 30, 2016, with amendments, if any, that may be made from time to time, and by the provisions of these Bylaws with amendments, if any, that may be made from time to time.



Section 1. The Functions of Chapter 143

1.1 Recognize outstanding achievements through invitation to membership.

1.2 Sponsor programs and activities that support and recognize scholarship and/or service

1.3 Hold two or more meetings a year, one of which should be an initiation.

1.4 Send appropriate delegates who are active members to Society Conventions and other relevant meetings or workshops.

Section 2. Chapter 143 Bylaws

2.1 Chapter 143 bylaws shall align with the bylaws of the Society.

2.2 Any revisions of Chapter 143 bylaws shall be filed with the Executive Director of the


2.3 When chapter bylaws are updated solely to reflect changes in Society bylaws as approved by a Convention, the chapter bylaws affected by those national changes may be amended without a vote of the general membership.

2.4 When the Society bylaws are changed in such a manner that necessitates revision of chapter bylaws, if any chapter has not sent updated bylaws to the Headquarters within 90 days of receipt of those revisions, the Headquarters staff will make the necessary revisions and send the updated version to the chapter.

Section 3. Chapter Governance

3.1 The elected officers will include, at minimum, an executive committee composed of a President, a President-Elect, a Secretary, a Treasurer a Public Relations Officer, two members-at-large, and at least two Student Vice Presidents all of whom shall be active members. These elected officers together with the immediate Past President, Web Manager, and Historian, shall constitute the Chapter 143 Executive Committee. Student members may hold any chapter office with the exception of President, President-elect, Secretary, and Treasurer. Chapter officers must maintain active membership (see Article III.2.1) in order to hold office. A list of officers and their duties appear in Appendix I.

3.2 The terms of chapter officers shall be for two years, except for the Student Vice Presidents whose terms shall be for one year. Chapter officers may be reelected. The election of officers may occur at any time at a regularly called meeting of the chapter at Chapter 143 which a quorum is present. When an election occurs, a report will be sent promptly, and in no case later than June 15, to Headquarters.

3.3 The management of the chapter will be vested in the executive committee.

It will be the responsibility of the Executive Committee to supervise annual and long-range planning of chapter activities; to advise and assist chapter officers and committees; to have jurisdiction over matters pertaining to the chapter but not provided for in these Bylaws or in the Society Bylaws; to elect delegates to conventions and other meetings of the Society; and, in the event of the loss of any chapter officer by reason of death, removal, incapacity, or resignation, to appoint a temporary officer to serve until the election of new officers. Chapter 143 shall conduct business using the following standing committees: Bylaws Committee, Convocation Committee, Membership Committee, Nominating Committee, Public Relations/Publications Committee, Scholarship Committee. A detailed list of committee responsibilities appears in Appendix II.

3.4 At Conventions or times the Society deems necessary, the chapter’s delegate will vote on behalf of the chapter.

Section 4. Chapter Meetings

4.1 Chapter meetings will be held upon call of the President or the Executive Committee. All active members will be duly notified of chapter meetings by the Secretary.

4.2. At least a majority of the membership present or of the executive committee will constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any regular or special meeting.

4.3 In all matters not specified by these Bylaws or the Society Bylaws, the procedures set forth in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order will be used.

Section 5. Chapter Obligations to the Society

5.1 Chapter 143 will submit by the specified date certain reports to Society Headquarters. These include, but are not limited to, the Chapter Officer List, the Chapter Annual Report, and the Chapter Finance Report.

5.2 Chapter 143 will submit all initiation materials including, but not limited to, the Transmittal Checklist, Permanent Record of Election Forms, and initiation fees, to Society Headquarters within 30 days of the initiation. All initiation materials are due at Society Headquarters by June 15.

5.3 It is the responsibility of Chapter 143 to send appropriate delegates who are active chapter members to Society conventions and other Society meetings.




Section 1. Membership in Chapter 143 is open to scholars with integrity and high ethical standards from all academic disciplines without regard to race, color, gender, national origin, religion, age, disability, genetic information, or sexual orientation.

Section 2. The following membership categories are authorized:

2.1 Active members of the Society are those who have paid Society dues for the current year. Those who pay both Society dues and chapter dues (where required by the chapter) are also active members of the Society and the chapter. Members who choose may become active members in more than one chapter by submitting chapter dues to each chapter.

2.2 Life members are those who have been invited and initiated and have paid the life membership fee or have been accorded this status by the action of the Board. Life members of the Society who wish to remain active chapter members must continue to pay any required chapter dues, as determined by Chapter 143.

2.3 Special Memberships are conferred upon approval of the Executive Director, Society President and appropriate Regional Vice President and upon the payment of appropriate fees.

2.31 A member who has served the Society in an outstanding manner may be nominated for distinguished membership by a member or by Chapter 143. The individual will receive a life membership in Phi Kappa Phi and a distinguished member certificate.

2.32 A nonmember (not an alumnus/alumna, employee, or student of Youngstown State University) who has achieved eminence in some academic, creative, intellectual or other career endeavor may be nominated for honorary membership by a member, by Chapter 143, or the Board. The individual will receive a life membership in Phi Kappa Phi and an honorary member certificate.

2.4 Members who fail to pay Society dues for the current year are inactive members who do not enjoy the privileges of voting, serving on committees, or serving as chapter or Society officers.

Section 3. Eligibility for membership in Chapter 143 may be determined separately for each academic unit or program, e.g., department, school, or college. For those institutions that do not rank students using grades, the chapter will include the method of determining eligibility in its chapter bylaws. Those persons who are recognized as scholars by Chapter 143 may be invited in compliance with the following standards:

3.1 Undergraduate students in any department or college at Youngstown State University who have completed at least 24 semester hours or the equivalent at that institution, and

3.11 who, in their junior year, rank academically in the upper 7.5 percent of the class, after completing at least two academic years or 72 semester hours or the equivalent, or

3.12 who, in their senior year, rank academically in the upper 10 percent of the class after completing at least three academic years or 90 semester hours or the equivalent at the time of invitation.

3.2 Graduate and professional students in any department or college at Youngstown State University who have completed at least 18 semester hours or the equivalent and as post baccalaureate students rank academically in the upper 10 percent of all graduate and professional students.

3.3 Former students who meet the requirements for membership who have graduated since the most recent invitation of members in Chapter 143.

3.4 Members of Youngstown State University’s faculty, administration, professional staff, alumni, or community leaders who exhibit excellence and high ethical standards may be extended membership.

3.41 The number invited may not exceed 4 percent of the number of students invited by the chapter that year.

3.42 Chapters that invite fewer than 200 students per year may be allowed to initiate a maximum of eight persons a year.

Section 4. All invitations to membership will be approved by a two-thirds vote at a regularly called meeting of the chapter at which a quorum is present or by mail/electronic mail ballot sent to all active members or by the Chapter 143 Executive Committee.

Section 5. Active members (see Article IV.2.1) have access to all available benefits offered by the Society and are eligible to serve on Society committees and hold Society office.

Section 6. Membership Responsibilities

6.1 Members should conduct themselves at all times in a manner consistent with integrity and high ethical standards.

6.2 If a member fails to behave with integrity and high ethical standards, the person’s membership may be revoked by the Chapter 143 Executive Committee or by the Society’s Board of Directors. If the membership is revoked, the person has the right to appeal this decision to the Board, Executive Director and appropriate Regional Vice President.



Fees, Dues, and Assessments 

Section 1. Society Fees, Dues, and Assessments

1.1 The following types of fees, dues, and assessments may be collected by the Society:

1.11 Chapter chartering fees

1.12 Initiation fees

1.13 Membership dues

1.14 Special assessments

1.2 Establishment of amounts

1.21 The Board establishes the amount of fees, dues, and assessments for the Society.

Section 2. Chapter Fees and Dues

2.1 Chapter Membership Dues.

To remain active, all members other than those newly initiated will pay Chapter 143 annual dues to Society Headquarters, in an amount determined by vote of the chapter, together with national annual dues in an amount determined by the Society Board. All dues payments shall be made to Society Headquarters in response to the annual dues statement sent to each member.

2.2 Chapter Active-for-Life Dues.

Members of Chapter 143 may become active chapter members for life by paying a one-time fee of $150.00. Distinguished Members and Emeritus Members no longer need to pay chapter dues but remain active members of Chapter 143.



Amendments and Revisions of Bylaws 

Section 1. These chapter Bylaws may be amended by the affirmative vote submitted by two-thirds of the active members, provided the proposed amendment or amendments have been given to the active chapter members thirty days prior to the meeting.

Section 2. All amendments to these Bylaws will be in harmony with the Bylaws of the Society.

Section 3. When chapter Bylaws are updated solely to reflect changes in Society Bylaws as approved at a Phi Kappa Phi Convention, the chapter Bylaws affected by those national changes may be amended without a vote of the general membership of the chapter within 90 days after the relevant Society Bylaws revisions have been approved. If revised chapter Bylaws have not been sent to the national office for approval within 90 days, national staff will make necessary revisions and return an updated version.



Chapter 143 Officers and Responsibilities 


Chapter President 

It shall be the duty of the chapter President to call and preside at all meetings of the chapter and of the Executive Committee, to appoint committees deemed necessary or helpful in furthering the business of the Society, to vote on behalf of the chapter on ballots and other materials sent to the chapter by Society Headquarters, and to fulfill the other usual responsibilities of the office of the President.

  • The chapter President shall, with the advice and consent of the chapter Executive Committee, exercise the chapter’s voting rights in the election of Regional Vice Presidents and other voting by chapters between Biennial Conventions
  • When a ballot is submitted to chapters, each chapter President shall be responsible for completing it and returning it promptly to the Executive Director of the Society or other designated officer
  • At Conventions, the chapter’s delegate shall vote on behalf of the chapter. The delegate may be the chapter President, chapter President-Elect, or an active member designated by the chapter as its proxy
  • Be familiar with PKP national and chapter bylaws. Keep the membership informed of PKP official communications
  • With the advice and consent of the Chapter 143 Executive Committee, exercise the chapter voting rights in any voting by chapters between conventions
  • Perform other duties appropriate for the Office of President or as may be assigned by the Executive Committee
  • Appoint the chapter Web Manager
  • Appoint the chapter Historian
  • Appoint Ad Hoc and Standing Committees
  • Review and report to the Executive Committee the signature authorities for the chapter’s financial accounts
  • Succeed automatically to the office of Past President at the conclusion of the term as President



It shall be the duty of the chapter President-Elect to preside at meetings in the absence of the President, and to succeed to the presidency in the event of death, removal, incapacity, or resignation of the President. The President-Elect shall:

  • Assist the President in all ways
  • Serve as chair of the Membership Committee
  • Succeed automatically to the office of President at the conclusion of the term as President-Elect
  • Perform other duties as assigned by the President or the Executive Committee


Vice President 

The chapter Vice President shall assist the President and President-Elect in all ways:


  • Assume the duties and powers of the president in the absence of the President and President-Elect
  • Serve as Chair of the Convocation Committee
  • Perform other duties as assigned by the President or the Executive Committee



The chapter Secretary is responsible for maintaining records and supplies for the chapter. It shall be the Secretary’s duty to keep and publish minutes of chapter and Executive Committee meetings; to maintain correspondence and other files related to Society Headquarters and affairs of the chapter; to prepare lists of eligible candidates to be voted on by the chapter; and to prepare materials and documents required for the initiation of candidates. The Secretary shall:

  • Coordinate enrollment of initiates and payments for dues and dinners
  • Within 30 days of Initiation submit a Transmittal Report to the National Office
  • Complete the chapter’s Annual Report and updated Chapter Officer List and forward to the National Office (due June 15)
  • With assistance from an ad hoc committee, revise and produce updated versions of the Chapter Guide to Operations as needed
  • Perform other duties as assigned by the President or the Executive Committee



The chapter Treasurer is to receive, deposit, and account for all monies received by the chapter from dues and other sources; to pay all bills approved by the Executive Committee; to arrange for the investment of all funds not required for current operation; to prepare an annual budget and arrange for an annual audit or review of the record books; to prepare the chapter Finance Report; to submit Form 990 or Form 990-N to the IRS by November 15; and to prepare and submit other reports required by Society Headquarters. Other duties include:

  • Keep the books current and prepare a detailed report for each Executive Committee meeting
  • Send an annual financial report to the National Office by August 15
  • File IRS Form 990 by November 15
  • Perform other duties as assigned by the President or the Executive Committee


Public Relations Officer 

It shall be the duty of the chapter Public Relations Officer to disseminate news of chapter activities to the various media, to submit to Society Headquarters news items for potential inclusion in the Phi Kappa Phi Forum (the Society’s quarterly magazine) and to take whatever other steps the chapter Public Relations Officer deems advisable to promote the purposes of the chapter and the Society which include:

  • Chair the Public Relations/Publication Committee
  • Coordinate the production and distribution of The Insider, the newsletter of Chapter 143
  • Prepare news releases as appropriate to publicize chapter activities
  • Coordinate the production of the program for the annual convocation
  • Prepare posters listing names of invitees by college
  • Perform other duties as assigned by the President or the Executive Committee


Student Vice Presidents It shall be the duty of the chapter Student Vice Presidents to perform such duties as are assigned to them by the President or the Executive Committee which include:

  • Assist as needed with administrative responsibilities of the Chapter 143 Executive Committee
  • Promote the development of a Chapter 143 Phi Kappa Phi student organization for the purpose of engaging in appropriate academic, social, and service activities to further the goals of Chapter 143
  • Serve as judges for the Gratia Murphy Award
  • Perform other duties as may be assigned by the President or Executive Committee


Immediate Past President 

It shall be the duty of the immediate Past President of the chapter to serve as a member of the Executive Committee. The immediate Past President shall:

  • Chair the Nominating Committee
  • Advise the President on matters of chapter governance
  • Perform other duties as assigned by the President of the Executive Committee


At-large Members of the Executive Committee 

The At-large Members of the chapter Executive Committee shall serve one or more Chapter 143 committees. They shall also:

  • Perform other duties as assigned by the President of the Executive Committee


Web Manager 

The chapter Web Manager shall plan, design, organize, and coordinate information and graphic images for inclusion on the Chapter 143 website. The Web Manager shall also:

  • Oversee day-to-day maintenance and updating of website information
  • Work with the Public Relations Officer to disseminate chapter information through the website
  • Serve as a member of the Public Relations/Publications Committee
  • Perform other duties as assigned by the President or the Executive Committee


Chapter Historian 

The chapter Historian shall collect, organize, maintain, and preserve any records, programs, photographs, or other materials that document significant actions and events of the chapter.

  • Serve as chair of the Bylaws Committee
  • Perform other duties as assigned by the President or the Executive Committee




Chapter 143 Committees 

The following committees shall be formed to assist in the governance of Chapter 143. Additional committees shall be formed as deemed necessary by the Executive Committee of Chapter 143.


Bylaws Committee 

Chaired by the chapter Historian, the Bylaws Committee will conduct a yearly review of the chapter and Society Bylaws and recommend changes as necessary.


Convocation Committee 

Chaired by the Vice President, the Convocation Committee coordinates the initiation of new members. This includes determining the type of event (e.g., reception, banquet), location, menu, table decorations, seating assignments, producing name tags, and managing other tasks.


Membership Committee 

Chaired by the President-Elect, the Membership Committee shall:

  • Carry out the process of membership selection as outline by these Bylaws
  • Prepare lists of invitees for the Executive Board and chapter
  • Distribute lists of undergraduate and graduate students to college deans and request that the deans send letters to students encouraging them to accept invitation to membership
  • Assist the chapter Secretary in preparing new member invitation materials
  • Help the chapter Secretary distribute packets (e.g., certificates, pins, programs) to students who do not attend the initiation ceremony


Nominating Committee 

Chaired by the Past President, the Nominating Committee shall keep track of terms of office and seek individuals to run for vacancies that occur on the Executive Committee.

Public Relations/Publications Committee 

Chaired by the Public Relations Officer, the Public Relations/Publications Committee shall:

  • Publish at least one newsletter a year
  • Maintain the chapter’s website and display case
  • Coordinate the production of the annual convocation program and photo session
  • Send out press releases about events such as luncheons, scholarship selection, and the initiation of new members


Scholarship Committee 

Chaired by an At-Large member of the Executive Committee, the Scholarship Committee shall:

  • Solicit applications for the Society Fellowship and the Gratia Murphy Award
  • Select judges for the Gratia Murphy Award
  • Recommend a Society Fellowship nominee and recipients of the John R. Loch Scholarship, the Mavrigian-Grim Scholarship, Dean’s Scholarships, and other awards to the Executive Board